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Events for September 19, 2024 › Art Class

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3:30 am

Ooey Gooey Clay Creations

September 19 @ 3:30 am - 5:00 pm UTC-5
Ladeeda Venue, 105 Cliftwood Drive
Sandy Springs, GA 30328 United States
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This is a drop-off class. It's ooey and gooey and oh so much fun! What kid doesn't love to get messy as they create with clay? Students will use a variety of tools and techniques to make owls, monsters, bowls and much, much more. Hand building is a way to work with clay without using…

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10:15 am

Little Yoga Art Club

September 19 @ 10:15 am - 11:05 pm UTC-5
Ladeeda Venue, 105 Cliftwood Drive
Sandy Springs, GA 30328 United States
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The Little Yoga Art Club at La Dee Da offers unique, fun-themed yoga movement and sensory art class for toddlers and preschoolers, recommended ages 18 months to 4 years old. Each class is themed around a story, color and sound recognition and features activities specially designed for this age group including breath work, physical yoga…

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